thermage before and after

Author: johnas9000

10 years in non surgical cosmetic treatment research. Researched both in the United States and Europe at the world anti aging congress attended by over 5000 physicians mostly from around the world although limited attendance by US physicians.

Most important for choosing your Thermage Provider

Funny I started this blog 15 years ago. And ironically the most important thing you can do is choose the most experienced thermage provider. I did the math in the past 15 years at Precision Aesthetics their head tech Danielle has done way more than 20 treatments a week of all kinds. That is 15,000 treatments.

I am writing this from the inside knowledge I have at Precision Aesthetics.

I laugh inside when someone says they only wanted to be treated by a doctor. Do you think a doctor spent 16 years of their life and a quarter of a million dollars to operate a technology that you learn by experience?

So the doctor is doing lipo, injectable, surgery, research, prescriptions and whatever their specialty is. They might do 2 or three a year. So that really “smart person” that is insisting only a doctor, excuse me a board certified doctor, do their treatment is getting the least experienced person to do their treatment.

The doctor doesnt even know how to turn on the machine, which tip to use, nor do they have the confidence ( that one has after thousands of treatments) to go to a very high very effective temperature.

Most importantly, if one has a lot of experience you look at the face and deliver different amount of pulses left to right ( everyone face is uneven) and or, as you know some have chubby cheeks some have excess skin or fat under chin. So you need to have the confidence to vary the treatment.

I again laughingly had a lady ask if we use the grid. Run out the door. I saw the grid 20 years ago when the rep wanted to teach 200 pulses upper cheek mid cheek jaw line. No one fits that profile. Literally no one. Everyone has an uneven face. So you would adjust for that and they also have problem areas.

PS today we use 1200 pulses so we can do full face and neck. I dont think our competitors use that. Sorry giving away trade secrets. But it doesnt matter. you cant catch up to us since we had the first Thermage NXT in NY 2007, first CPT 2009 first 16.0 for body.

The most experienced is always the best. Think Harvard first college in the US Hmmm a few hundred years later still considered no 1

10 of the oldest universities in the US

  • Harvard University. Established: 1636 (chartered in 1650) …
  • The College of William and Mary. Established: 1693.

Think of Precision Aesthetics as the Harvard of Thermage Skin tightening.

Thermage before and after Neck

thermage neck and chin jaw line

Thermage  before and after neck, chin jaw line      Here is another perfect example of a nice thermage treatment.  Look at the improvement in the neck.  I purposely cropped this one so you can concentrate and see the one area we here so many complaints about.  Its a great treatment.  Treatment actually is for the face and neck.  The only separate treatment is for the eye lids because it requires a different tip.  And you probably want an eye doctor inserting the plastic eye protector on your eyeball.  However this will definitely nip the turkey neck before it gets too be impossible to help.  Most people prefer to stay ahead of these types of conditions so they can avoid surgery

thermage before and after thigh

thermage back of leg

Thermage before and after thigh

Thermage before and after thigh.  This is obviously a much more subtle result.  There is an overall slight reduction in size.  In fact on the TV show the doctors they claimed 3 inch diameter reduction around the belly right off the table.  Do i think they pulled the measuring tape to tight on the after ?? maybe we have seen  an inch or two right off the table.  But its not liposuction.  Although its a small picture you can see the reduction in cellulite and improvement in texture as well.  I know not dramatic but if it was your leg going from lumpy and cellulite to smooth, I am sure you would be very pleased considering it was only a one time one hour non surgical treatment

Thermage before and after Man chin

thermage non surgical face lift man

Thermage before and after mans jaw line and chin

Thermage before and after man chin. Here is another man before and after.  By the way you probably have seen this before.  You have to realize very few people will give permission to have a million people see their before and after.  And few doctors will share those photos with thermage.  And not that many have an effect so obvious that you can see it in a one inch photo.  Thermage shares their photo library with all the doctors.  I chose the ones that illustrate the best results that one could even see at 1/2 inch on a mobile phone.  His jaw line, neck and even his cheek has improved and the overall texture.

Thermage Man’s Jaw line chin and neck before and after

Thermage Man Chin and Neck copy  Lets jump to one I know very well.  I did my face. At 62 I have a perfectly straight jaw line, which I didnt have in my late 40’s.  Pretty cool right ?  I think its self explanatory.  Its really about the lower face the jaw line, the neck and the chin.  Actually there hardly was a jaw line in the before picture. For me it was the beginning of a jowl which we eliminated.  Just follow the jaw line from the ear to the chin.  It actually is completely lost in the before picture

Thermage Before and Afters

Thermage is great for loose skin. But its subtle. In fact its perfect for the loose skin one gets after weight loss and  even after a liposuction treatment.  Let me make it simple and put a few up with explanations.  Almost every picture is from 3 to 9 months after the procedure.   You have to understand a properly administered Thermage treatment affects the collagen layer.  It needs to be strong enough to stimulate the body to grow new collagen which creates an even smoother and greater effect which actually begins at around 3 months and continues on to about 6 months.  DONT let anyone retreat you in less than 6 months.  You will actually stop the most important part of the process. Unless its a highly skilled office with an Exilis machine which they can set at a cooler setting that can actually encourage your body to make even more collagen.  Another strong treatment at this point would interfere with your body making new collagen.  With that in mind lets start.

Thermage Stomach before and after

tummy B and A

Thermage stomach

Thermage stomach before and after So here is the sweet spot I have been talking about. The before picture occurred perhaps from a fat loss procedure ( many  like cool sculpting or liposuction dont leave you smooth) or perhaps it was after pregnancy loose skin.  But notice the texture has smoothed out and the wrinkles on the belly are almost completely gone.  I would recommend another radio frequency for greater fat loss like Exilis.  In fact Exilis is FDA approved for fat loss.